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CyberSecurity Research Group

Research group on security-related topics

ESA – ARIESjust completed
EU-H2020 – ATENA
EU-FP7- CockPitCI

Leader: Dr. Alessandro Giuseppi ( giuseppi@diag.uniroma1.it)

Members: Prof. Francesco Delli Priscoli, Prof. Alessandro Di Giorgio, Eng. Manuel Donsante, Dr. Andrea Fiaschetti, Eng. Roberto Germanà, Dr. Francesco Liberati, Dr. Martina Panfili, Prof. Antonio Pietrabissa, Dr. Andrea Tortorelli, Prof. Vincenzo Suraci

Description: The CyberSecurity research group, led by Dr. Alessandro Giuseppi, studies and develops control systems for the secure and safe operation of critical and cyber-physical systems, combining results from the Control Theory and Computer Science. The research group has great expertise in the control and protection of Critical Infrastructures, as it participated in 5 related EU research projects, with a particular focus on power grids, utility networks and emergency management. The applied control methodologies range from classical feedback control of nonlinear systems, economic model predictive control, and intelligent control systems that are enhanced by Machine Learning results.

Collaborations: The CyberSecurity Research Group participated in several National and European projects and cooperates with researchers from national and international academia and industries. Among other collaborations, in the last years, the group’s members are working with Leonardo (Italy), IEC (the Israel Electric Company), CREOS (the only electricity and natural gas distributor in Luxembourg), the Société Wallonne des Eaux (a BelgianWater Operator for the Wallonia Region), the University of Coimbra (Portugal), ENEA (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, Italy). See the group’s projects for further information.

Selected Publications

“Integrated protection of industrial control systems from cyber-attacks: The ATENA approach.” International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 21 (2018): 72-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcip.2018.04.004

“Review of cyber-physical attacks in smart grids: A system-theoretic perspective.” Electronics 10.10 (2021): 1153. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10101153

“A Bayesian network-based approach to the critical infrastructure interdependencies analysis.” IEEE Systems Journal 6.3 (2012): 510-519. 10.1109/JSYST.2012.2190695

“Efficient and risk-aware control of electricity distribution grids.” IEEE Systems Journal 14.3 (2020): 3586-3597. 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2965633

“On the optimization of energy storage system placement for protecting power transmission grids against dynamic load altering attacks.” 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). IEEE, 2017. 10.1109/MED.2017.7984247

“A game-theoretical approach to cyber-security of critical infrastructures based on multi-agent reinforcement learning.” 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). IEEE, 2018. 10.1109/MED.2018.8442695