Project full title: Smart Mobility In Smart City

European Union FP7
Grant agreement no.: 314328
Duration: 36 months
Starting Date: Jul 2012
Expected Ending: Jun 2015
Coordinator: ITE – Asociacion Instituto Tecnologico De La Energia (Spain)
Consortium: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Forderung Der Angewandten Forschung Ev (Germany), Technomar Gmbh (Germany), Cit Development S.L. (Spain), Electronic Trafic Sa (Spain), Zabala Innovation Consulting, S.A. (Spain), Hrvatski Telekom (Croatia), Energetski Institut Hrvoje Pozar (Croatia), Consorzio Per La Ricerca Nell’ Automatica E Nelle Telecomunicazioni C.R.A.T. (Italy), Enel Distribuzione S.P.A. (Italy), Oprema Ravne Pnevmatika, Hidravlika, Orodja in Tehnoloske Linije D.O.O. (Slovenia), Etrel Svetovanje in Druge Storitve Doo (Slovenia), Elektro Ljubljana Podjetje Zadistribucijo Elektricne Energije D.D. (Slovenia)
CRAT Key Persons:
CRAT Scientific co-coordinators: Prof. Francesco Delli Priscoli, Dr. Alessandro Di Giorgio
Project Description: Urban transport is responsible for about a quarter of CO2 emissions from transport. The gradual phasing out of ‘conventionally-fuelled’ vehicles from the urban environment is a major contribution to significant reduction of oil dependence, greenhouse gas emissions and local air and noise pollution. Fully Electric Vehicles (FEV), for public and private transport, can contribute significantly to the lowering of the current pollution levels. However, the FEV use is currently facing several weaknesses which are delaying its wider deployment, mainly related to overall limited efficiency and limited driving range.With this regard, MOBINCITY aims at the optimization of FEV autonomy range and the increase in energy efficiency thanks to the development of a complete ICT-based integrated system able to interact between driver, vehicle and transport and energy infrastructures, taking advantage of the information provided from these sources in order to optimise both energy charging and discharging processes (trip planning and routing).Main specific objectives are: To develop a system to be installed within the vehicle able to receive information from the surrounding environment, which can have influence in the vehicle performance (traffic information, weather and road conditions and energy grid). To optimise the trip planning and routing of FEV using information from these external sources including alternatives from other transport modes adapted to user’s needs. To define efficient and optimum charging strategies (including routing) adapted to user and FEV needs and grid conditions. To implement additional energy saving methods (as driving modes and In-Car Energy Management Services) within the FEV interaction with the driver.In order to reach its objectives, MOBINCITY joins together an outstanding group of 13 partners, coming from five different countries, covering relevant sectors as traffic management, energy, ICT and telecommunications and automotive industry.