Project full title: Tool for systemic risk analysis and secure mediation of data exchanged across linked CI information infrastructures
Grant agreement no.: 225353
Coordinator: Selex Communications (I)
Consortium: Selex Communication (I), Centre de Recerche Public Henri Tudor (LU), CRAT (I), University of Rome 3 (I), ENEA (I), PIAP (PL), Israel Electric Corporation (IL), ITrust Consulting (LU), Multitel (BE), University of Coimbra (PT), University of Bradford (UK)
Duration: 30 months
Starting Date: September 2008
Expected Ending: March 2011
Key Persons: Prof. Francesco Delli Priscoli, Dr. Marco Castrucci, Dr. Vincenzo Suraci, Dr. Tiziano Inzerilli, Dr. Alessandro Di Giorgio, Ing. Donato Macone
Project Description: The MICIE project, being in line with EU initiative to establish a Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN), will design and implement a so-called “MICIE alerting system” that identifies, in real time, the level of possible threats induced on a given CI by “undesired” events happened in such CI and/or other interdependent CIs. In particular, whenever such events occur, the MICIE alerting system will support the CI operators providing them with a real time risk level (e.g. expressed in a chromatic scale such as white, green, yellow, orange, red).
The alarm conditions will be evaluated by means of an on-line prediction tool making use of properly designed abstract CI models feeded with aggregated metadata describing the CI status.
The CI model will make use of hierarchical modelling in order to evaluate the “level of interdependency” existing among the different CIs, which will be characterized through proper thresholds values. The CI model will also include the identification and the formalization of proper “metadata” suitable for describing the CI status, according to a “CI independent” approach which, as far as possible, leaves out of consideration the CI peculiarities.
The MICIE alerting system will also include a proper discovery, communication and composition infrastructure able to operate in an heterogeneous CI framework, aiming at discovering the “sensible” data in the different CIs, at translating them in CI-independent metadata, at transporting them via a secure and available communication network and at aggregating them by means of properly defined composition rules.
CRAT Contribution: CRAT plays a key role in the MICIE project, as it is leader of WP4000 “Mediation System Design”, where a Secure Mediation Gateway is designed to allow a secure exchange of confidential information among heterogeneous remote Critical Infrastructures (CIs).
In addition, CRAT is contributing to the definition of a common semantic, using ontologies, to achieve interoperability among the information systems of heterogeneous CIs.
Moreover, CRAT is contributing to the definition of a Bayesian Network model able to model the behavior of interdependent CIs, taking into consideration different possible cause of failure, both accidental and malicious (like terrorist attacks).
Relevant Publications:
[1] Castrucci et al, “From heterogeneous modeling and analysis to an on line prediction tool to improve QoS of interdependent networks”, Electricity 2009, Tel Aviv, November 200
[2] Castrucci, Di Giorgio et al, “CI reference scenario and service oriented approach – preliminary version”, D2.1.1, February 2009
[3] Castrucci, Macone et al, “MICIE ICT system requirements – preliminary version”, D4.1.1, May 2009
[4] Di Giorgio et al, “Interdependency modelling framework and interdependency indicators and models – preliminary report”, D2.2.1, July 2009
[5] Castrucci, Delli Priscoli et al, “Dissemination and exploitation – preliminary report”, D7.1.1, August 2009