Home » Tenders » Call for applications to work on the European project named 5G-SOLUTIONS

Call for applications to work on the European project named 5G-SOLUTIONS

Art. 1 – Description of the activities to be performed by CRAT

CRAT has concluded a linked third party agreement with ARES2T to collaborate in the project 5G-Solutions (workprogramme H2020, bando ICT-19-2019-RIA).

The project has a duration of three years (from 1 June 2019 to 31 May 2022).

An outline of the project can be found at the following link. In particular, CRAT must perform the following amount of work:

WP 1T1.1 Definition and detailed analysis of vertical use cases/scenarios, baseline and corresponding target KPIs1 Person-Months
WP 5T5.1 LL planning, setup and operational management2 Person-Months
T5.2 LL2 execution: Smart Energy12,5 Person-Months
T5.4 Performance evaluation and lessons learned1 Person-Months
WP 9T9.1 Dissemination and communication activities0,5 Person-Months

Art. 2 – How to submit an application

With this call we invite the candidates who have the skills needed to perform some of the activities relevant to the WPs mentioned in Art. 1 to send an email application to the address info@crat.eu, with subject “Application for working in 5G-SOLUTIONS”, attaching (i) a signed curriculum vitae in .pdf format, (ii) a front/back copy of a) a valid identity card b) the fiscal code. Within the same terms, the application can be hand carried to the CRAT office, located in via Giovanni Nicotera 29, 00195, Rome (IT), Tuesday-Thursday 10:00-12:00.

The applications may be submitted at any time within the duration of the project (see Art. 1). The application is valid for the whole project duration. Each candidate is entitled to send at any time and in the way previously described any addendum to the curriculum.

Applications will be considered by the Selection Committee described in art. 3, according to the timetable specified in Art. 4, following the criteria specified in Art. 5.

Art. 3 – Composition of the Selection Committee

The Selection Committee will be composed of the Scientific Responsible(s) of the project and the members of the CRAT Scientific Committee more competent on the project’s theme.

The selection committee will be appointed by the President of CRAT with the unanimous approval of the CRAT Board of Directors. The latter will supervise the selection process and will guarantee the absence of conflicts of interest.

 Art. 4 – Selection Committee timetable

The Selection Committee will hold meetings twice a year, in the first half of December (winter session) and in the first half of June (summer session), in order to assess the received applications aiming at identifying the new collaboration contracts to be awarded. In the winter session the applications received until December 10 will be screened; in the summer session those received until June 10. For the first project Selection (2019 winter session), the Selection Committee will hold a meeting in the last ten days of December, in this session the applications received until December 19, 2019 will be screened.

Art. 5 – Selection Committee operations

Within each session, the Selection Committee, on the basis of the applications submitted within the deadlines set out in Art. 4, will update a short list including the eligible candidates, i.e. the candidates which are eligible to carry out all or part of one or more of the activities referred to in Art. 1.

An eligible candidate will remain in the short list for the whole duration of the project. The short list of eligible candidates may be requested by every candidate, at any time, by writing an email to the   address mentioned in art. 2. The candidates which will be awarded with a contract (hereinafter referred to as contractors) will be chosen within the short list in question. Nevertheless, the inclusion of a candidate in the short list does not imply any right on her/his part to get contract assignments.

The contractor selection, the duration of the contract (generally not less than 6 months), the type of contract, the hourly rate and the number of hours to be worked under the contract, will be identified by the Selection Committee on the basis of the following criteria:

–   Professional skills and experience of the candidate inferred from the curriculum attached to the application and, possibly, from an interview with the candidate; in particular, the following points will be taken into account: the academic rank (professor, researcher, post-doc, doctoral student, graduate student, …), the merits and qualifications acquired in the framework of applied research, the organizational skills and the ability to work in a team;

– “best matching” between the eligible candidates, the man-months foreseen by the contract in the various WPs (see Art. 1), the expected timing of such WPs and the funding received by the European Commission;

–   the principle of “best value for money”;

–   equal opportunities for men and women;

– all the remaining criteria laid down in Art. 32 and 33 of the contract with the European Commission as detailed in the Annotated Model Grant Agreement and in the documents referred to herein.

After each session, the Selection Committee draws up a report which shall include, on the basis of these criteria, the candidates selected for the award of contracts, as well as the duration of the contract, the type of contract, the hourly rate and the number of hours to be worked under the contract.

A copy of this report can be requested by the applicants upon the submission of a written request addressed to CRAT, via Giovanni Nicotera 29, 00195, Rome (IT), by registered mail with return receipt, no later than January 15 for the winter session and July 15 for the summer session. Applicants may submit any counter respectively by January 31 (winter session) and by July 31 (summer session); the Selection Committee must give adequate response within 15 days.

Art. 6 – Contract actuation

The CRAT President, on the basis of the Selection Committee report, will prepare by the end of December (for the winter session), or by the end of June (for the winter session) the contracts and send them to the selected contractors via e-mail. These latter, within one week, should send to the President of CRAT a paper copy of the contract signed for acceptance.

The contractors will work under the CRAT instructions on the CRAT premises. They will be free to determine breaks, rest periods and, in general, working times; nevertheless, they will be paid on the basis of the hours actually worked on the project (which will be clearly reported on the contract); such hours must be monthly reported on proper time sheets, subject to the approval of a supervisor. The results of the work performed by the contractor will belong to CRAT.

Art. 7 – Protection of Privacy

Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, the personal data will be used exclusively for the purposes of managing the selection and, later, for purposes related to the conduct of the contract, in accordance with current rules on transparency and privacy protection.

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